The Board Corner

My name is Andrea Schrader, and I am a Board Member with FailSafe-ERA. By day, I work with a government contractor providing support to our nation’s borders. I spend my evenings, nights and/or weekends supporting Failsafe-ERA. I have been with FailSafe-ERA for 5 years and have loved every second of it! I have always had a passion to help people in need, in any way possible for as long as I can remember. My role in FailSafe-ERA is to help plan events and fundraisers to provide ongoing support and resources to those in need after returning home from incarceration.
FailSafe-ERA serves as a safe haven for both the Returning Citizens and their families; building trust by meeting them where they are and at minimum providing counseling, educational and job opportunities while keeping their needs and concerns confidential at all times.
The group of individuals we help are unique in that they made a mistake that set them back in life from months to years. Failsafe-ERA does not judge them, we are here to propel them forward after they have returned home!
Our goal is to rebuild community trust, but we cannot do it without you. If you made a bad judgement call, would you want a second chance to make it right or would you want to be held accountable for the rest of your life? When someone is working hard to change, the worst thing we can do is hold other’s past against them. Let’s help them transform.
“Forgiveness is not a feeling, it’s a commitment. It’s a choice to show mercy, not to hold the offense up against the offender.” – Gary Chapman
Latest News from FailSafe-ERA

We three new members to our Governance Board. Dr. Janet Hodges, Principal at the Rappahannock Juvenile Detention Center; Ms. Sue Parr, Founding Member; and Ms. Necoya Tyson with the American Traffic Safety Services Association.

FailSafe-ERA is approved to participate in the Combined Federal Campaign. Federal Government employees can support our programs to change the lives of those affected by incarceration and to prevent generations of incarceration by selecting CFC #77616

FailSafe-ERA ECHIPS has partnered with the Boys and Girls Club of the Rappahannock Region to provide training on Preventing Generations of Incarceration. Above: Lori Gregory and Shanail Mitchell teamed up to provide training to 23 boys and girls.

Charissa McCall, the FailSafe-ERA Caring Connections Director provided training at the Annual Unity Festival, presenting two 30 minutes session during Teen Round Up on “Staying out of the Pipeline of Incarceration”. Between both sessions there were a total of 12 youth 3rd -12th grade.
Faith leaders round table discussion about issues in our community with former Governor Terry McAuliffe at Shiloh Baptist Church on October 19, 2019
FailSafe-ERA participated in the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Combined Federal Campaign (CFC).
FailSafe-ERA leadership team is sharing information about FailSafe-ERA with the DLA Human Resources Office Director (left); EEO Director (right) and DLA employees.

Instructors from the Rappahannock Regional Jail Ready Set Release Program met with Chaplain Jill Amlaner Henderson to discuss program readiness and impact for women preparing for reentry to their families and community. Geared up and ready to go!! Thanks Cindy Laenger for hosting the meeting in your home. Welcome to Failsafe-ERA members Lori Gregory and Denise Lewis!

October 13th, Problem Solved Forum at Hope Aglow Empowerment Church, Woodbridge Campus. Free Event with Speakers including Failsafe-ERA founder, Juanita Shanks.

Pastor Phyllis Brantley represented Failsafe-ERA during the Christian Brothers/Sisters Transition Program (CB/STP) Annual Spiritual Retreat.
Inspirational speakers and much needed fellowship. Great day in the Lord!!
Chaplain Jack Richards, Founder CB/STP and Pastor Phyllis Brantley, Failsafe-ERA Ministry

Click here to read the full story of the FailSafe-ERA Founder (A Mother's Pain to Purpose
Upcoming Events

We are excited to announce the launch of FailSafe-ERA WIGS (Women Inspiring Girls) at the Goodwill Building on November 2 from 12:00 pm until 2:00 pm. It will be an Information session with light refreshment. Please register at:
Women involved in the criminal justice system typically struggle from past instances of trauma, drug use and abuse, physical and mental health struggles, and lack of education and job skills. WIGS will address these areas and focus on increasing their overall wellness.
Community Service
The holiday season is upon us. We are looking forward to our annual “Feed the Residents of Thurman Brisben” on Christmas morning .

On December 7, from 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m., we will be partnering with Rissa’s Heart for our 1st Annual Holiday Shoppe where parents of incarcerated children will be provided an opportunity to shop (FREE). Stay tuned for the announcement of the location. If you would like to volunteer or make a donation, please contact Charissa McCall via email at or by phone at 571-494-1697. We are in need of the following donations:
New & Clean Gently Used Clothes for Men, Women & Children
New & Clean Gently Used Shoes
New & Used Books
New Toys
New Stocking Stuffers
New Re-purposed GiftsGift Cards
We continue our services at the local jails and prisons:
Pastor Phyllis Brantley, FailSafe-ERA ministry director and her team continue to minister to the female inmates at the Rappahannock Regional Jail (RRJ). She has established a closed group that prays for the inmates and their families.
In addition to ministry, Pastor Phyllis and Doug Taylor, our Learning and Development Director provides quarterly resiliency training to both male and female inmates at RRJ.
Thank You

On August 24, 2019, we celebrated 10 years of providing reentry services and support to members of our community and we are already planning for next year's event on August 22, 2020.
Our speakers were phenomenal: Thank you Mayor Mary Katherine Greenlaw for your encouraging words. "It's not the line of work many are willing to do or get behind but I support it because it's the right thing to do and I believe in second chances", said Mayor Greenlaw.
Mr. Marcus Hodges, Associate Director of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency in Washington, DC presented us with a call to action to roll up our sleeves to do the work to get our Center of Hope up and running, because it's needed; and Mrs. Donna Clark, Vice President of Member Services at the American Traffic Safety Services (ATSSA), a second chance employer, expressed her appreciation for the partnership ATSSA and FailSafe-ERA established for the Right Road Job Training and Placement Program.
Click Here to view photos of the event.
Congratulations to our scholarship recipients: Mr. Kenneth Williams and Ms. Je'Niqua Morris.
A special thank you to our sponsors and vendors.
Bobby and Sally Cooney Anderson
American Traffic Safety Services Association
Christian Brothers and Sisters Transition Program
Spencer, Meyer, & Koch PLC
Pinnacle Treatment Centers
Johnny and Donna Clark
Terri Hill
Affordable Home Loans
CTI Real Estate
TLCleaning Services
Dr. John McGuire
B.Premier Ventures
Orleans Bistro
James Bell