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Courage to Change off to a Great Start!

We had an awesome turnout of ladies and gentlemen who are determined to change their lives for the better.  These 11 men and women have decided that they have the "Courage to Change.”  Thank you James Clore (Jim) for the sacrifice you are making weekly to help these ladies and gentlemen grow, ranging in ages  from 17 to over 40!


- one gentleman was released from the Rappahannock Regional Jail (RRJ) that morning. He stayed true to his word when he told Charissa McCall, during their training session, on Monday that upon his release on Tuesday that he will be at the FailSafe office with lunch for everybody and in the training that evening. He proudly shared with the group his graduation  certificate of completion from the responsible thinking training he participated in while at RRJ.  He’s pictured here holding the flag.  He is a Vet. 


- I also want to acknowledge Isaiah Landry, FailSafe Scholarship recipient and agent of change.  He’s walking alongside two young men (juveniles) who want to change.  We are so proud of Isaiah.  


The group is already on a mission to lessen the lingering effects of incarceration and to make better life choices for themselves:  We had so much fun and conversation that Jim forgot to hand out any door prizes.  We will reward some attendees next week with those.  

It is not too late, next week we will really dive deep into our journey.  Sign up at  See you on Tuesday August 20, 2024 at 7pm at the FailSafe ERA office!  

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